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Selling the chairs : For living expenses

A canvas. I cut and nail abandoned canvas frames, and cut and sew canvas to make a chair. We, who draw pictures, continue to produce artworks by necessity or obligation.

But, artworks which are not sold and hard to store, doesn’t have productivity and these are just cherished by artists. These are just trash to other’s eyes(at least to my eyes).

“Someday these will be sold, one day these will be displayed at an exhibition and shown to the world”, how long are these going to take spaces with this mind?

Does art exist in a nasty warehouse? Does aura exist? It’s an old canvas left alone, not a stored painting. I recycle it and make it into a practical furniture to use in a real life, rather than sticking it in a warehouse. When used, art becomes practical than a meaningless art.

Stick flyers : For living expenses

Children’s art academy instructor hourly payment is around 6~8 dollars, which can’t cover all of materials, studio rent, and living expenses even if I work full time a day and 5 days a week. What I can get paid more than compared to working hours is visit art. I stick flyers on walls to gather customers for the private art lessons.

My private art lessons looks attractive, using a special place function, “gallery”.

The flyers are ripped off under pressure of keepers, then I repeat to stick those on the walls of buildings. Nervous when to be ripped off.

If those are ripped off before anyone pays attention. Anxiousness.

30 cents for one. This is my honest dollar.

I am getting pathetic more and more.

Platanus: Print project 2013

Yeomchang-dong, Seoul


22 sheets of linoleum cut prints, tape,  2013

It's not that hard to find scarred trees in Mangwon-dong where many platanus trees are planted. Among them, you can see really disgusting and creepy scars.


The trees seem to emphasize their scars by growing up grotesquely over time as if these trees pay back at the people who artificially wounded them.

In Yeomchang-dong where I live, there are many platanus trees are planted. I want to share the visual pain by reproducing the platanus’ scar of Mangwon-dong through prints.

Yeomchang-dong Street with 22 prints

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